Does This Company Allow You to Borrow Pricey Camera Equipment?

Does This Company Allow You to Borrow Pricey Camera Equipment?

Blog Article

If being a proficient shooter instead of just a passive photographer is one of your goals for 2021, be aware that it requires a great deal of perseverance, hard work, and practice. A significant amount of money was also required in the past, but businesses like BorrowLenses are coming to alter all that.

I had the great privilege to travel the world before COVID-19 to share images and tales of some of the most stunning locations on earth while working as a professional travel writer and photographer. I traveled with my reliable Fuji XT-2 camera much of the time. In some situations, such as safari expeditions or treks through tropical geometry dash regions where an underwater shelter was necessary, my equipment was sufficient, but in others, it was insufficient.

But the fact remains that writing isn't as lucrative as it once was, and it doesn't make sense to spend $1,000 or more on a lens for a yearly trip or a $800 underwater dwelling unit.

After conducting some research online, I came across BorrowLenses, a business that lets anyone—from beginners to experts—rent the necessary gear for only the days they need it.

According to Thomas Anello, a social media expert at BorrowLenses, "the most expensive item one could rent from BorrowLenses is the ARRI Alexa Mini, which rents for over $3,000 for seven days ($3,213 to be exact)." "What's more telling, though, about the BorrowLenses experience, is that we rent out everything from professional-grade lenses and cameras for photographers and videographers covering a wide range of projects, from food photography and vlogging to commercial and film production."

Anello advises beginners to start practicing with whatever gear they already own, such as a phone, point-and-shoot camera, or DSLR camera. They should make careful to maintain consistency in their practice before moving up and renting more advanced gear.

However, he adds, "experimenting with focal lengths is a great way to learn how different tools can affect your output and your shots when you're ready to get serious." Try using a 50mm lens instead of the kit lens that came with your camera, for instance, if you have that one. By limiting your focus length, you may make things easier for yourself and move about, using your feet as a "zoom" instead of depending only on the camera.

Anello continues, "A person using a prime lens—which has a fixed focal length—will probably learn a lot more." Please refrain from zooming in.

"Newbies, don't overlook the illumination either. You'll keep learning and strengthen your mental image of "good lighting" by experimenting with lighting alternatives like flashes, both on and off the camera, and continuous illumination, he explains. "Once you've locked down your images, these tips are great tools that will let you shape them even more precisely."

I originally utilized BorrowLenses on a trip to Kenya for my own travels. In order to make sure I could take pictures of the wildlife along my safari route, I rented a Fuji XF 100-400mm lens. I spent $184 for an 11-day rental using the service. It would have cost me over $1,900 if I had bought the lens brand-new.

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